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Ilyushin Il-76 |
Dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti Antonov An-12, Il-76 dirancang untuk mengirimkan alat-alat berat, terutama untuk kepentingan militer, ke daerah-daerah terpencil di Uni Soviet, dan untuk pengangkut strategis militer. Versi militer Il-76 telah digunakan secara luas di Eropa, Asia dan Afrika, termasuk digunakan sebagai pesawat tanker udara atau sebagai pusat komando.
Versi lain yang dimaksud adalah Pesawat double decked 250 penumpang tapi proyek itu akhirnya dibatalkan. Il-76 terbang pertama kali pada bulan Maret 1971. Produksi Il-76 dialokasikan ke Asosiasi Produksi Penerbangan Tashkent di Tashkent, Uzbekistan, yang kemudian merupakan republik Uni Soviet. Sekitar 860 varian transportasi dasar telah Diproduksi. Pada 1990 an, varian modern juga dilengkapi dengan Mesin Soloviev D-30 turbofan, dikembangkan (MF, TF), dengan kompartemen kargo panjang 20 m, lebar 3,4 m dan dengan tinggi 3,4 m, Varian yang lebih besar ini tidak diproduksi dalam jumlah banyak karena Angkatan Udara Rusia, yang merupakan operator utama tipe ini sedang mengalami kesulitan keuangan. Prototipe Il-76MF itu melakukan penerbangan pertamanya pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1995. Semua operasi produksi Berhenti pada akhir tahun 1990
Pengembangan Lebih Lanjut :
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Ilyushin Il-76TD-90VD |
Di dalam sejarah aviasi dunia, tak banyak pesawat yang memiliki fleksibilitas nyata dan potensi modernisasi yang besar, yang membuat mereka dapat digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama dan diminati oleh seluruh dunia. Il-76 adalah salah satu platform aviasi yang diakui berperan penting dalam perkembangan aviasi nasional Rusia.
Il-76 banyak bertugas di perusahaan penerbangan kargo komersial untuk pengiriman kargo, terutama untuk barang-barang berukuran besar (seperti alat berat dan kendaraan), atau barang-barang berat yang sulit dikirim dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Ilyushin Il-76 juga kerap digunakan sebagai transportasi darurat untuk evakuasi sipil dan untuk memberikan bantuan bencana dan kemanusiaan di seluruh dunia, terutama ke daerah-daerah terpencil karena kemampuannya untuk beroperasi dari landasan pacu yang tak beraspal. Model spesialis juga telah diproduksi untuk pemadam kebakaran udara dan pelatihan zero-G untuk kosmonot Rusia.
Il-76 melakukan penerbangan perdananya pada 1971. Sejak saat itu, pesawat ini terus digunakan dalam dunia aviasi Rusia. Akan tetapi, kini persyaratan yang diberikan untuk pesawat kelas ini sedikit berubah menjadi lebih ketat dengan munculnya sistem-sistem dan peralatan baru. Alhasil, Rusia memutuskan untuk tak lagi mengeluarkan Il-76, melainkan menciptakan Il-76 yang telah dimodernisasi, yakni pesawat Il-76MD-90A.
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Ilyushin Il-76 |
Antara 1979 dan 1991, Il-76 Angkatan Udara Soviet membuat 14.700 penerbangan ke Afghanistan,
Mengangkut 786.200 prajurit, dan 315.800 ton barang. Il-76 membawa 89% Tentara Soviet dan 74% dari barang yang diterbangkan. Karena pejuang Afghanistan tidak dapat menembak jatuh Il-76 yang Terbang tinggi, kemudian taktik yang mereka lakukan adalah mencoba merusaknya saat lepas landas atau mendarat.
Dengan pengalaman itu, sebagian besar peralatan Pasukan Kanada ke Afghanistan diterbangkan dengan menggunakan pesawat Il-76 sipil. Pada tahun 2006, Angkatan Udara Rusia memiliki sekitar 200 Il-76, sedangkan Pengguna sipil di Rusia memiliki 108 unit.
Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 1995, sebuah Il-76 yang diujicobakan oleh seorang kru Rusia dipaksa turun oleh pesawat tempur Taliban Memicu insiden Airstan.
Pada tahun 2004, sebuah pesawat Il-76 Angkatan Udara Pembebasan Rakyat Cina (PLAAF) menjalankan misi penerbangan di Afghanistan, dan kemudian di tahun 2011, PLAAF Il-76 dikirim ke Libya untuk mengevakuasi warga China. Kedua misi tersebut dilaporkan sebagai langkah pertama PLAAF untuk mengembangkan transportasi jarak jauh
Pada tanggal 23 Maret 2007, Transaviaexport Il-76 ditembak jatuh oleh rudal anti pesawat saat take Off dari Mogadishu, Somalia. Semua penumpang pesawat, tujuh awak dan empat penumpang, tewas.
Il-76 Angkatan Udara Suriah, yang beroperasi sebagai pesawat sipil Syrian air telah dilaporkan digunakan untuk mengangkut senjata, uang dan muatan lainnya dari Rusia dan Iran ke Suriah, menurut seorang Pilot militer Suriah yang telah membelot, Sejak dimulainya pemberontakan, pada bulan April 2011 (dan hingga Juli 2012), sekitar 20 Penerbangan militer telah dilakukan ke dan dari Teheran, melalui wilayah udara Irak. Informasi lebih lanjut Mengungkap bahwa sejak sekitar tahun 2012, Pesawat Il-76 Suriah telah secara teratur terbang ke Bandara Vnukovo Moskow untuk Mengambil pengiriman uang kertas Suriah yang dimanfaatkan oleh rezim Bashar al-Assad untuk bertahan hidup
Pada tanggal 14 Juni 2014, sebuah Il-76 Angkatan Udara Ukraina ditembak jatuh akibat tembakan dari kelompok separatis pro-Rusia saat mendekati tempat pendaratan di Lugansk, menewaskan 40 tentara dan Sembilan awak pesawat. Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2017, pesawat pemadam kebakaran IL-76 milik Russian EMERCOM agency dikirim ke Cile untuk membantu Petugas pemadam kebakaran, tugas ini memakan waktu 39 hari.
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Ilyushin Il-76 Aeroflot |
-Il-76TD-90 / Il-76MD-90
Engine upgrades to Perm PS-90s.
-Il-76 firebomber
Firefighting aircraft to drop exploding capsules filled with fire retardant.
SAR version of Il-76MF
Early development of convertible passenger/cargo aircraft, (project only, designation re-used later)
proposed Beriev A-50 with Perm PS-90 engines.
-Beriev A-60
Airborne laser weapon testbed. (Il-76 version 1A)
Special purpose / research variants :
prototype Il-76PP.
Telemetry and communications relay aircraft, for use during trial programmes (prototype).
Telemetry and communications relay aircraft, for use during trial programmes (prototype).
-Izdeliye-976 ("SKIP")[24] – (СКИП – Самолетный Контрольно-Измерительный Пункт, Airborne Check-Measure-and-Control Center)
-Il-76/A-50 based Range Control and Missile tracking platform. Initially built to support Raduga Kh-55 cruise missile tests.
Special mission aircraft for unknown duties.
ELINT electronic intelligence aircraft, or Il-76-11
Variant Militer :
-Il-76-Tu160 tailplane transporter
One-off temporary conversion to support Tu-160 emergency modification programme.
('D' for "Desantnyi", Десантный – "Paratrooper transport") has a gun turret in the tail for defensive purposes.
Zero-g cosmonaut trainer (dlya podgotovki kosmonavtov), for Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center.
Engine testbed, (ooniversahl'naya letayuschchaya laboratoriya).
Military transport version, (modifitseerovannyy – modified).
Improved military transport version, (modifitseerovannyy Dahl'ny – modified, long-range).
-Il-76MD Skal'pel-MT
– Mobile Hospital
-Il-76M / Il-76MD
Built without military equipment but designated as Ms and MDs (Gordon – 'Falsies')
An Il-76MD with quieter and more economical Aviadvigatel PS-90 high-bypass turbofan engines.
Stretched military version with a 6.6 m longer fuselage, PS-90 engines, maximum takeoff weight of -210 tonnes and a lift capability of 60 tonnes. First flew in 1995, not built in series so far, just built for Jordan.
ECM aircraft, major problems with ECM equipment on the Izdeliye-176 only.
modernized Il-76MD for the Russian Air Force.
An updated version with a new glass cockpit, updated avionics, new internal wing structure and Aviadvigatel PS-90 engines. It was also known as Il-476 while in development.
Built as military aircraft but given civilian designations. (Gordon – 'Falsie')
-Ilyushin Il-78 / Il-78M
Aerial refuelling tanker.
-Il-78 MKI
A customized version of the Il-78 developed for the Indian Air Force.
Airborne Command Post/communications relay aircraft, (alternative designation – Il-76VKP-'version65S').
Maritime Search and Rescue aircraft, (alternative designation – Il-76PS-poiskovo-spasahtel'nyy), not produced.
-Beriev A-50/Beriev A-50M/Beriev A-50I/Beriev A-50E
Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft. Beriev given control over the program.
-Beriev A-100
An AEW&C version of the Il-76MD-90A.
Varian Sipil :
Initial Commercial freighter. (two prototypes and 12 production) equipped with Soloviev D-30 Turbofan engines.
-Il-76MD to Il-76TD conversions
Complete removal of Military equipment, identified by crude cover over OBIGGS inlet in Starboard Sponson.
-Il-76P / Il-76TP / Il-76TDP / Il-76MDP
Firefighting aircraft. The Il-76 waterbomber is a VAP-2 1.5 hour install/removal tanking kit conversion. The Il-76 can carry up to 13,000 U.S. gallons (49,000 liters) of water; 3.5 times the capacity of the C-130 Hercules. Since this kit can be installed on any Il-76, the designation Il-76TP, Il-76TDP are also used when those versions of the Il-76 are converted into waterbombers. The Il-76P was first unveiled in 1990.
('T' for Transport, Транспортный) unarmed civil cargo transport version. NATO code-name "Candid-A". It first flew on November 4, 1978.
The civil equivalent of the Il-76MD, first flew in 1982, equipped with Soloviev D-30 Turbofan engines.
An Il-76TD with Aviadvigatel PS-90 engines and a partial glass cockpit. It was developed specially for Volga-Dnepr cargo company, which operates four aircraft as of 2012.
Civilian mobile Hospital, similar to Il-76MD Skal'pel-MT.
Civil transport stretched version with Aviadvigatel PS-90 engines. It is the civil version of the -Il-76MF (none produced).
Variant Ekspor :
-Beriev A-50E/I
For the Indian Air Force. Hosts Israeli Phalcon radar for AEW&C and Aviadvigatel PS-90 engines.
-Il-76MD tanker
Iraqi Air Force tanker conversions.
Domestic Chinese airborne early warning and control conversion of Il-76, developed after A-50I was cancelled and currently in service with the armed forces of China.
-CFTE engine testbed
The China Flight Test Establishment (CFTE) currently operates a flying testbed converted from a Russian-made Il-76MD jet transport aircraft to serve as a flying testbed for future engine development programmes. The first engine to be tested on the aircraft is the WS-10A "Taihang" turbofan, currently being developed as the powerplant for China's indigenous J-10 and J-11 fighter aircraft. Il-76MD #76456, acquired by the AVIC 1 from Russia in the 1990s, is currently based at CFTE's flight test facility at Yanliang, Shaanxi Province.
Iraqi development with a radar mounted in the cargo hold, used in the Iran-Iraq war.
Iraqi development (with French assistance) with fibreglass-reinforced plastic radome over the antenna of the Thomson-CSF Tiger G surveillance radar with a maximum detection range of 350 km (189 nmi, 217.5 mi). One was destroyed on the ground during the 1991 Persian Gulf War; two others were flown to Iran where they remained. At least one went into service with the IRIAF. One aircraft crashed following a midair collision with a HESA Saeqeh fighter, during the annual, Iranian military parade in Teheran. It can be distinguished from the Beriev A-50 by having the Il-76 navigator windows in the nose, which the A-50 does not.
Negara-negara Operator :
Operator militer dan sipil di 38 negara telah mengoperasikan lebih dari 850 unit Il-76 dalam jumlah besar. Sementara Rusia adalah operator militer terbesar Il-76, diikuti oleh Ukraina dan India, Belarus 'TransavIAexport Airlines adalah operator sipil terbesar.
- Algeria
<>The Algerian Air Force operates 18 Il-76 aircraft, including three Il-76MD, nine Il-76TD, and six Il-78 Midas.
- Angola
<>The Angolan Air Force operated one Il-76 which crashed on 27/08/09 near 4 de Fevereiro Internacional Airport
<>Gira Globo operates 1 Il-76.
- Armenia
<>Air Highnesses owned and operated Il-76T (EK-76300) on behalf of Aéro-Service.
<>The Armenian Air Force operates three Il-76s.
<>Dvin Airlines has operated an Il-76TD.
<>Yerevan-Avia has operated two Il-76 (EK86724 and EK86817).
- Azerbaijan
<>Azal Avia Cargo operates one Il-76TD.
<>Azerbaijan Air Force
<>Azerbaijan Airlines operates one Il-76M.
<>Silk Way Airlines operates seven, including five Il-76TD and two Il-76TD-90.
- Bahrain
<>Global Aviation Services
- Belarus
<>The Belarusian Air Force inherited a number of Il-76 aircraft from the Soviet Air Force. Four in service.
<>Belavia operated the Il-76 before its closure in 1999.
<>TransAVIAexport Airlines operates one, including five Il-76MD and 18 Il-76TD.
<>Gomelavia operates five Il-76TD.
- Burkina Faso
<>Faso Airways operates a single Il-76TD.
- Cambodia
<>Imtrec Aviation has operated a Laotian registered Il-76.
- China
<>The People's Liberation Army Air Force operates 17 Il-76 aircraft, including three kJ-2000 AEW&C versions and some Il-78 tankers, with a further 30 due for delivery. However, the deal for new IL-476 is canceled, instead China received ten refurbished IL-76 from Russia and is currently developing its own transport the Xian Y-20.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
<>Air Congo has operated an Il-76TD.
<>Trans Air Congo has operated an Il-76T.
- Republic of the Congo
<>The Republic of the Congo operates an Il-76.
- Cuba
<>Cubana used to operate two Il-76s.
- Equatorial Guinea
<>Ecuatorial Cargo operates one Il-76TD.
<>Express International Cargo
- Georgia
<>Sun Way has operated the Il-76TD.
- Hungary
<>Atlant Hungary has operated the Il-76.
<>Hungarian Ukrainian Air Cargo has operated the Il-76
- India
<>The Indian Air Force operates 24 Il-76s, including 17 Il-76MDs, six Il-78MKIs, and three Beriev A-50 for AEW&C.
- Iran
<>The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force operates 15 Il-76s.
<>The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Air Force operates two Il-76s.
<>Atlas Air has operated at least eight Il-76TD.
<>Chabahar Air has operated at least two Il-76TD.
<>Mahan Air has operated the Il-76.
<>Payam Air operated two Il-76TD.
<>Qeshm Air operated two Il-76TD. (This airline disestablished)
<>Safiran Airlines is a former operator.
<>Yas Air operates two Il-76TD (Registered as EP-GOL and EP-GOM).
- Iraq
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Ilyushin Il-76 Irak |
<>Iraqi Airways operates a single Il-76.
- Jordan
<>Jordan International Air Cargo – two Il-76MF delivered in 2011 and operated for the Royal <>Jordanian Air Force.
- Kazakhstan
<>The Government of Kazakhstan operates one Il-76
<>Air Almaty operates an Il-76TD for leased operations.
<>Air Kazakhstan operated Il-76 aircraft until its closure in 2004.
<>GST Aero operates 1 Il-76T.
<>Kazakhstan Airlines operated the Il-76TD before its closure in 1997.
<>Sayakhat Airlines operated the Il-76 previously.
- Kyrgyzstan
<>Botir Avia operates three, including one Il-76MD and two Il-76TD.
<>Kyrgyzstan Airlines operates one Il-76TD.
<>Reem Air
- Laos
<>Imtrec aviation of Cambodia operates Laos registered Il-76TD.
- Latvia
<>Inversija operates three, including two Il-76T and one Il-76TD.
- Libya
<>The Libyan Air Force has operated the Il-76 although it may not remain in service.
<>Jamahiria Air Transport operated the Il-76M, Il-76TD, and Il-78.
<>Libyan Air Cargo, the cargo division of Libyan Arab Airlines, operates 21, including one Il-76M and 15 Il-76TD.
- Mali
<>Transafrica Airlines
- Moldova
<>Aerocom operated an Il-76MD as well as an Il-76T until as late as January 2005.
<>Airline Transport operated a number of Il-76 aircraft, losing three in accidents in 2004 and 2005.
<>Jet Line International operates the Il-76
- North Korea
<>North Korean Air Force
<>Air Koryo
- Russia
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Ilyushin Il-76MD AU Rusia |
<>The Ministry of Emergency Situations operates an Il-76TD.
<>Abakan Avia operates 3 Il-76TD.
<>Aeroflot operated large numbers of aircraft, especially during Soviet years, often on behalf of the Soviet military. However, none remain in service with the airline.
<>Air STAN operated an Il-76TD.
<>Airlines 400 operates two Il-76TD.
<>Airstars Airways operates four Il-76TD on cargo services.
<>ALAK operated Il-76 aircraft before its closure in 1999.
<>Alrosa-Avia operates four Il-76TD on charter services.
<>Aram Air
<>Atlant-Soyuz Airlines operates six, including two Il-76MD and four Il-76TD.
<>ATRAN Cargo Airlines operates five, including three Il-76T and two Il-76TD. At least one Il-76M may have been operated in the past.
<>Atruvera Aviation operates three, including one Il-76MD and two Il-76TD.
<>Aviacon Zitotrans operates five, including four Il-76TD.
<>Aviaenergo operated the aircraft, but none remain in service.
<>Aviast operates four, including one Il-76MD and three Il-76TD.
<>Border Guard Service of Russia
<>Continental Airways has operated the Il-76 in the past, but does not do so currently.
<>Dacono Air has operated the Il-76.
<>Domodedovo Airlines has operated the Il-76, but none is currently in service.
<>East Line operates the Il-76.
<>Ilavia Airline operates six, including two Il-76MD and four Il-76TD.
<>KrasAir operated the Il-76, but none is currently in service.
<>Krylo Airlines operated two Il-76TD into 2005.
<>Magadan Avia Leasing is a lease and charter operator of the Il-76.
<>Moscow Airways operated an Il-76TD in the early 1990s.
<>Novosibirsk Air Enterprise operated the Il-76, but none is currently in service.
<>Pulkovo Aviation Enterprise operated the Il-76, but none is currently in service.
<>Samara Airlines operates two Il-76TD.
<>Spair Airlines
<>Tesis Aviation Enterprise operates nine Il-76TD.
<>Tyumen Airlines
<>Volga-Dnepr operates 12 Il-76TD and four Il-76TD-90VD.
- Serbia
<>Air Tomisko operated 3 Il-76TD. Two were leased from GST Aero which had been before in service of Kosmas Air, and one more was added in May 2006.
<>Kosmas Air operated two Il-76TD leased from GST Aero.
- Sierra Leone
<>Aerolift Sierra Leone operates Il-76 aircraft for special charter and cargo lift operations.
- Soviet Union
<>The Soviet Air Force operated hundreds of the aircraft, with an inventory of 310 in 1987. Most were dispersed to the successor states upon the breakup of the Soviet Union.
<>Aeroflot was the main civil user of the aircraft during the period of the Soviet Union, although many of its aircraft were operated on behalf of the military.
<>Jet Air Cargo was one of the first civil operators of the Il-76 in Russia other than Aeroflot.
- Sudan
<>Air West operated a small number of aircraft, although it is unclear how many remain in service.
<>Azza Transport operates two Il-76TD.
<>East West Cargo operated a number of Il-76 aircraft.
<>Juba Cargo operates the Il-76
<>Badr Airlines operates two Il-76,
<>Trans Attico
<>Alfa Airlines
<>Green Flag Airlines
- Syria
<>The Syrian Air Force operates the Il-76.
<>Syrian Arab Airlines operates four, including three Il-76M.
- Turkmenistan
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Ilyushin Il-76 Turkmenistan |
- Ukraine
<>The Ukrainian Air Force inherited a large number of Il-76 aircraft from the Soviet Air Force, with as many as 100 remaining in service.
<>Air Service Ukraine operated the Il-76MD.
<>Air Ukraine and Air Ukraine Cargo operated the aircraft, although none were in service at the time of bankruptcy.
<>ATI Aircompany operates a number of Il-76 models.
<>Azov Avia Airlines operates two Il-76MD.
<>BSL Airline operated as many as six Il-78.
<>Busol Airlines operated the Il-76 before its closure in 1998.
<>Khors Aircompany operates two Il-76MD.
<>Lviv Airlines operates three Il-76MD.
<>South Airlines is a former operator.
<>Ukraine Air Alliance operates four, including one Il-76MD and three Il-76TD.
<>Ukrainian Cargo Airways operates 21, including 19 Il-76MD.
<>Veteran Airlines
<>Volare Airlines operates three, including two Il-76MD and one Il-76TD.
<>Yuzhmashavia operates 2 Il-76TD.
- United Nations
<>The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service have operated several of the type from the early to mid-1990s to now. Most of them are either ex-Aeroflot or one that the Russian Air Force has lent to the UN.
- United States
<>Air Support Systems, LLC operates the Il-76/78 in fire fighting duties in the USA.
- United Arab Emirates
<>Gulf Aviation Technology and Services operates a number of Il-76 aircraft on charter or lease.
<>Phoenix Aviation operates 2 Il-76TD.
- Uzbekistan
<>The Military of Uzbekistan operates six aircraft.
<>Avialeasing operates the Il-76 on a charter and lease basis.
<>Uzbekistan Airways operates 14 Il-76TD.
- Yemen
<>The Yemen Air Force operates three Il-76 aircraft.
<>Yemenia operates two Il-76TD.
Spesifikasi (Il-76TD-90)
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Ilyushin Il-76 |
Kru: 5
Kapasitas: 50.000 kg (Il-76) [nb 1]
Payload : 42 ton (Il-76m), 48 ton (Il-76MD), 60 ton (Il-76MD-90A) ()
Panjang: 46,59 m (152 ft 10 in)
Lebar sayap : 50,5 m (165 ft 8 in)
Tinggi: 14.76 m (48 ft 5 in)
Area sayap: 300,0 m² (3,229.2 ft ²)
Berat kosong : 92.500 kg (Il-76TD-90) [nb 2] (£ 203.962)
Max. berat lepas landas : 195.000 kg (Il-76) [nb 3] (£ 429.975 (Il-76TD-90))
Powerplant : 4 × Aviadvigatel PS-90-76 turbofan , 171 kN (38.367 lbf ) masing-masing
Prestasi[sunting | sunting sumber]
Kecepatan maksimum : 900 km / h (490 kt, 560 mph) Mach 0,82 tergantung pada ketinggian
Rentang : 4.300 km (Il-76) dengan 50 ton max payload
Ketinggian Maksimum : 13.000 m (42.700 kaki)
Tingkat panjat : m / s (ft / min)
Loading sayap : 566,7 kg / m² (Il-76m / T) [nb 5] (£ 116,05 / ft ² (Il-76m / T), £ 129,72 / ft ² (Il-76MD/TD))
Thrust / weight : (Il-76) [nb 6]
pendaratan minimal run: 450 m dengan daya dorong pembalikan
Persenjataan :
Senjata: 2 × 23 mm meriam di menara di pangkal ekor
Bom: Beberapa model militer memiliki 2 cantelan bawah setiap sayap luar mampu membawa 500 kg bom.
Jenis : Pengangkut udara strategis
Negara asal : Uni Soviet /Rusia
Pembuat : Ilyushin / Tashkent Aviation Production Association
Penerbangan perdana : 25 Maret 1971
Diperkenalkan : Juni 1974
Status : Masih diproduksi dan masih berdinas
Pengguna utama :
- Angkatan Udara Rusia
- Angkatan Udara Ukraina
- Angkatan Udara India
- TransAVIAexport Airlines
- Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
Jumlah : 960
Varian :
- Ilyushin Il-78
- Beriev A-50
- KJ-2000
Sumber :
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