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Showing posts with label Alutsista. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alutsista. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Kapal Patroli Lepas Pantai Kelas Darussalam Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei

KDB Darussalam (06) adalah kapal utama di kelas kapal patroli lepas pantainya. Kapal ini dalam layanan aktif di Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Brunei (RBN). Brunei memesan kelas Darussalam dari Lürssen, perusahaan yang sama yang dikontrak Brunei untuk menjual korvet kelas Nakhoda Ragam, dan dua kapal pertama dikirimkan pada Januari 2011. Dua kapal batch kedua dikirimkan pada tahun 2014.

Kapal-kapal patroli lepas pantai kelas Darussalam tersebut adalah:

- KDB Darussalam (06)
- KDB Darulehsan (07)
- KDB Darulaman (08)
- KDB Daruttaqwa (09)


Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Thursday, 14 December 2023

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

MIM-104 Patriot: Sistem Pertahanan Udara Terpadu (Integrated Air Defense System)

 MIM-104 Patriot adalah salah satu sistem pertahanan udara terpadu (integrated air defense system) yang paling terkenal dan efektif yang digunakan oleh banyak negara di seluruh dunia. Sistem ini dikembangkan oleh perusahaan Raytheon dan telah digunakan secara luas oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat (AS) serta negara-negara mitra. 


Latar BelakangPatriot awalnya dikembangkan pada tahun 1960-an sebagai respons terhadap ancaman rudal balistik jarak pendek dan menengah. Sistem pertahanan udara ini dirancang untuk mendeteksi, melacak, dan menghancurkan berbagai jenis ancaman udara, termasuk rudal balistik, pesawat tempur, dan pesawat nirawak.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Kapal Selam : Bagaimana Cara Kerja dan Fungsi Kapal Selam

Kapal selam atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut submarine adalah jenis kapal yang bergerak di bawah permukaan air dan umumnya digunakan untuk tujuan militer, meskipun juga dapat digunakan untuk tujuan penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya pengetahuan tentang dasar laut, karena kapal selam bisa menjelajahi ke kedalaman laut yang tidak mungkin bisa dijangkau oleh manusia dengan cara menyelam biasa. Kapal selam memiliki dinding dalam yang terbuat dari baja yang mampu menahan tekanan luar biasa di kedalaman laut, untuk mengatur daya apungnya, kapal selam menggunakan tangki pemberat yang terletak di antara lambung dalam dan lambung luar. Kapal selam juga dilengkapi dengan periskop, radar, sonar, dan jaringan satelit sebagai alat navigasi utama.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Thursday, 23 November 2023

Tank Merkava IV Israel: Spesifikasi, Keunggulan dan Kelemahan

Tank Tempur Utama (MBT) Merkava Mk.4 mulai beroperasi dengan Pasukan Pertahanan Israel pada tahun 2004. Merkava Mk.4 yang diawaki oleh empat awak, termasuk komandan, penembak, pemuat amunisi, dan pengemudi, merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari Merkava Mk.3. Saat ini Merkava Mk.4 termasuk dalam 10 tank tempur utama terbaik di dunia, menurut Military Today, Merkava merupakan tank tercanggih keenam di dunia .


Posted By: Pecinta Militer on

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

TSAR BOMBA, Bom Nuklir Terkuat Yang Pernah diledakkan

 Tsar Bomba (bom kaisar atau kaisar dari segala bom) adalah sebuah bom Nuklir terbesar di dunia yang dibuat oleh Uni Soviet pada masa kepemimpinan Nikita Khruschev. Melansir laman Atomic Heritage Foundation, Tsar Bomba dirancang oleh sebuah tim fisikawan yang dipimpin oleh Yuli Khariton. Tim tersebut juga termasuk Andrei Sakharov, Viktor Adamsky, Yuri Babayev, Yuri Smirnov, dan Yuri Trutnev.


Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

What Is Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom Secrets: Unveiling the Phenomenon of Jet Fighter Shockwaves

When an object, such as an aircraft, moves at high speeds through moist air, it can create shock waves that are visible as well as cause the formation of clouds of condensed water known as vapor cones or Mach diamonds. These shock waves are generated as the aircraft's speed approaches or exceeds the speed of sound. The shock waves are physical effects caused by the rapid displacement of air particles by the moving object.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Monday, 24 July 2023

P-8 Poseidon : The Advance Maritim Surveillance And Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft

 The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is a really the anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles. It is armed with torpedoes, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and other weapons, can drop and monitor sonobuoys, and can operate in conjunction with other assets, including the Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton maritime surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).Shorter transit times reduce the size of the Area of Probability when searching for submarines, surface vessels or search and rescue survivors.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Monday, 24 July 2023

Sunday, 16 July 2023

F-16 Fighting Falcon The Combat Proven Multirole Aircraft

 The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a highly regarded multirole fighter aircraft known for its exceptional performance and versatility and is combat proven in almost every military conflicts in the world. Here are some great facts about the F-16:

- Agile and Versatile: The F-16 is renowned for its exceptional maneuverability, allowing it to excel in air-to-air combat as well as air-to-ground missions. It can perform high-G turns, rapid rolls, and quick changes in direction, making it highly effective in dogfights.

- Speed and Altitude: The F-16 is a fast and high-flying aircraft, capable of reaching speeds exceeding Mach 2 (around 1,500 mph or 2,400 km/h) and altitudes of over 50,000 feet (15,000 meters).

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Sunday, 16 July 2023

Tu-160 White Swan - The Unique Features and Capabilities

The Tupolev Tu-160, also known as the "White Swan" or "Blackjack," is a supersonic strategic bomber developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. It remains in service with the Russian Air Force and is considered one of the most advanced bombers in the world. While I can provide information based on the knowledge available up until September 2021, please note that there might have been additional advancements and updates since then.


Posted By: Pecinta Militer on

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Shipname dan Launching KRI dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo-991 Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS)

Pecinta Militer KRI dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo-991 secara resmi memperkuat Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista) TNI Angkatan Laut yang ditandai dengan Shipnaming dan Launching oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, S.E., M.M., didampingi Ketua Umum Jalasenastri Ny. Vero Yudo Margono selaku Ibu Kandung Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS), bertempat di Dermaga Dok Semarang PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Surabaya pada hari Kamis 7 Januari 2021. 

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Saturday, 9 January 2021

Friday, 11 December 2020

Kapal Selam | SUBMARINE - Apa Dan Bagaimana

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Friday, 11 December 2020

Thursday, 10 December 2020

M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System - MLRS - Battle Proven Support Weapon

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Thursday, 10 December 2020

AMX-13 - Light Tank - The Legend

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on

CAESAR 155mm - Self Propelled Howitzer - Live Fire

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Yakovlev Yak-130 "Mitten" - Advanced Jet Trainer and Light Fighter

Pecinta Militer

The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO reporting name: Mitten) is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer and light fighter originally developed by Yakovlev and Aermacchi as the "Yakovlev-Aermacchi Yak-130/AEM-130". It has also been marketed as a potential light attack aircraft. Development of the aircraft began in 1991 and the maiden flight was conducted on 25 April 1996. In 2002, it won a Russian government tender for training aircraft and in 2009 the aircraft entered service with the Russian Air Force. As an advanced training aircraft, the Yak-130 is able to replicate the characteristics of several 4+ generation fighters as well as the fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57. It can also perform light-attack and reconnaissance duties, carrying a combat load of 3,000 kg.

Yak-130 is an advanced pilot training aircraft, able to replicate characteristics of Russian 4th and 5th generation fighters. This is possible through the use of open architecture digital avionics compliant with a 1553 Databus, a full digital glass cockpit, four-channel digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBWS) and Instructor controlled and variable FBWS handling characteristics and embedded simulation. The type also has a Head-up display (HUD) and a Helmet-Mounted-Sighting-System (HMSS), with a double GPS/GLONASS receiver updating an Inertial Reference System (IRS) for highly accurate navigation and precision targeting. The developer estimates that the plane can cover up to 80% of the entire pilot flight training program.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Monday, 21 September 2020

9K720 Iskander Missile SS-26 Stone - Mobile Short-Range Ballistic Missil...

Pecinta Militer
9K720 Iskander-M/SS-26 Stone is a short range tactical ballistic missile system designed to be used in theater level conflicts. It is intended to use conventional or thermonuclear weapon warheads for the engagement of small and area targets (both moving and stationary), such as hostile fire weapons, air and anti-missile defenses, command posts and communications nodes and troops in concentration areas, among others.

The Iskander / Iskander-M system is combined of six types of vehicles. The Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL) is based on the new BAZ6909 eight-wheeled truck chassis. Fully loaded with two missiles, a TEL weighs 40 tons. The transporter loader also carries two missile reloads. The mission preparation station is equipped to process intelligence data, converting it to target data fed to the missile's navigation system. Command and staff vehicle, maintenance and life support vehicles complete the Iskander's unit. After launching, the vehicle immediately leaves the area seeking the safety of another concealed area.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Monday, 21 September 2020

Sunday, 20 September 2020

IFV Marder - A German Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The Marder (German for "marten") is a German Infantry Fighting Vehicle / IFV operated by the German Army as the main weapon of the Panzergrenadiere (mechanized infantry) from the 1970s through to the present day. Developed as part of the rebuilding of Germany's armoured fighting vehicle industry, the Marder has proven to be a successful and solid infantry fighting vehicle design. While it used to include a few unique features, such as a fully remote machine gun on the rear deck and gun ports on the sides for infantry to fire through, these features have been deleted or streamlined in later upgrade packages to bring it more in line with modern IFV design (the MG has been moved to be a coaxial, the gun ports entirely welded shut and uparmored). It is overall a simple and conventional machine with one large rear exit hatch and three top hatches for mounted infantry to fire from. The Marder is currently being replaced by its successor, the Puma.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Sunday, 20 September 2020

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Phalanx CIWS - Close In Weapons System - Amazing Live Fire

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Thursday, 17 September 2020

PHALANX CIWS - Close-In Weapons System - Sistem Pertahanan Jarak Dekat

 CIWS Phalanx (diucapkan "sea-wiz") adalah sistem senjata jarak dekat untuk pertahanan terhadap ancaman yang datang seperti kapal kecil, torpedo permukaan, rudal anti kapal, dan helikopter. Sistem senjata jarak dekat ini dirancang dan diproduksi oleh General Dynamics Corporation, Divisi Pomona, kemudian menjadi bagian dari Raytheon.
Terdiri dari meriam Vulcan 20 mm (0,8 in) yang dipandu radar yang dipasang pada alas yang dapat berputar, Phalanx telah digunakan oleh Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat dan angkatan laut dari 15 negara lainnya.
Pengguna CIWS yang lain yaitu Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris, Angkatan Laut Australia, dan Kanada.

Untuk Varian darat, yang dikenal sebagai LPWS (Land Phalanx Weapon System), bagian dari sistem C-RAM, baru-baru ini telah dikerahkan dalam peran pertahanan rudal jarak pendek, untuk menangkis tembakan roket, artileri, dan mortir.

Posted By: Pecinta Militer on

Thursday, 6 August 2020

IFV MARDER - Infantry Fighting Vehicle

 Marder (bahasa Jerman untuk "marten") adalah Kendaraan Tempur Infanteri Jerman / IFV yang dioperasikan oleh Angkatan Darat Jerman sebagai senjata utama Panzergrenadiere (infanteri mekanik) dari tahun 1970-an hingga saat ini. Dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari pembangunan kembali industri kendaraan tempur lapis baja Jerman, Marder telah terbukti menjadi desain kendaraan tempur infanteri yang sukses dan kokoh. Biasanya menyertakan beberapa fitur unik, seperti senapan mesin jarak jauh di dek belakang dan port senjata di sisi untuk ditembakkan oleh infanteri, fitur-fitur ini telah dihapus atau disederhanakan dalam paket peningkatan selanjutnya untuk membuatnya lebih sesuai. dengan desain IFV modern (MG telah dipindahkan menjadi koaksial, port senjata seluruhnya dilas tertutup dan dilapisi). Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah mesin sederhana dan konvensional dengan satu pintu keluar belakang yang besar dan tiga pintu atas untuk menembakkan infanteri yang dipasang. IFV Marder saat ini sedang digantikan oleh penggantinya, Puma.


Posted By: Pecinta Militer on Thursday, 6 August 2020

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